Say "Yes!" to kids with disabilities : stories and strategies for including ALL kids /

Bullard, Elizabeth.

Say "Yes!" to kids with disabilities : stories and strategies for including ALL kids / Seattle Children's PlayGarden: A garden for everyone. by Elizabeth Bullard, Hannah Gallagher, & Adana Protonentis. - Seattle: [Seattle Children's PlayGarden] produced in partnership with King County Best Starts for Kids, [2019.] - 125 p. : color illustrations, 28 cm

Includes bibliographical references.

Three staff members from the Seattle Children's PlayGarden collaborated on this 125-page guide, which features stories and tips from kids with disabilities and their parents about what parks and other public spaces can do to welcome and include all children in their programs. (Miller Library Staff)

Outdoor recreation for children with disabilities.
Play environments.
Inclusive education.

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